About IDCA
The Inuit Development Corporation Association was established on November 28, 2018 to provide Canada’s Inuit development corporations with a collective, national voice. In fulfilling our purpose, we will work closely with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), and with key Inuit organizations and governments across Inuit Nunangat. IDCA's vision is to be a champion of Inuit prosperity through collaboration, innovation, trade and commerce. To pursue this vision, IDCA has a mandate to collaboratively identify and create opportunities that promote business for IDCA members.
1. To identify national issues of policy and procedure that impact or could impact the Member Inuit Development Corporations;
2. To inform and influence federal government policy and programs (e.g. procurement) in partnership with other Inuit organizations; and
2. To inform and influence federal government policy and programs (e.g. procurement) in partnership with other Inuit organizations; and
3. To advocate for business opportunities for the Inuit Development Corporation Members